Thursday, April 7, 2011

Top SEO Results Tool

Top SEO Results Tips

Does Page Rank matter?

Many people swear by page rank and if you look at most SEO companies they tend to build back links to sites with high page ranks. There is a drawback to this technique because if a site with a high page rank is linked to one with a lower page rank the value gets reduced. this is why some site owners will not accept reciprocal link.

I used to worry about page ranks but came to realise that they are no longer rel event, so now i do not bother with them. If you concentrate on the basics of providing good content on a regular basis the search engine bots will reward you for your effort.

A lot of people tend to send the wrong message in their copy, concentrating on the hard sell rather than providing quality information about their product. You need to realise that we are in an information age, that is why so many people look things up on Google. So its natural that search engine robot bots are designed to search out information which will answer peoples queries.

What does this mean for you, you as an advertiser need to write copy for robots not for real people. take for example a online classified advert you can forget about using flash,colours, pictures, or sound because robots with a few exceptions are colour blind and deaf. plain text is fine, if you use HTML stick to basic formatting such as p br h1 h2 and links, that is all that is required.

David Ogden - Helping people help themselves
Veretekk Marketing Asia
USA Office - 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST
Malaysia +60 (0)88258702

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Sonoran Bloom Nopalea/cactus juice

Nopal Cactus Juice
Fights inflammation to free you from pain

If you are tired of being pushed around by pain and inflammation, its time to fight back. Take the Nopalea™ Cactus juice challenge and see how good life can be again.

Nopalea as you may have seen and heard is an astonishing wellness drink from the Nopal Cactus which grows in the Sonoran desert. The cactus juice has helped so many people to get relief from the pain and damaging effects of chronic inflammation. If you have not tried it yet consider the following questions:-

  • Do you deal with pain on a constant basis
  • Does anyone in your family or group of friends complain of chronic pain
  • Do you or anyone you know have allergy related breathing problems
  • Are daily toxins wreaking havoc on you body
All these symptoms can be linked to chronic inflammation - the exact problem that Nopalea cactus juice was developed to help address.

I challenge you take up the Nopalea cactus juice challenge and regain control of your health. the challenge was created to show the power of Nopalea in helping the body reduce chronic inflation quickly. One of the most exciting ingredients are the 24 Betalains which are natural antioxidants found in only a few of the worlds plants including the Nopal cactus from which cactus juice is made.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterbiz LLC
Independent TriVita Affiliate 13142173
Click Here to Take the Nopalea Cactus Juice Wellness Challenge